Hours Minutes Sec.

Start: Saturday, 3rd June 2024

Are you ready? The THEKI 1 seminar offers you an entry point and is also the basis for all further THEKI seminars.

THEKI is the beginning of a new life. YOUR life in a new version. If you want it. Self-determined. Conscious. Free. Healthy. Successful. Happy. You!

Book now! (€540)We start on 3rd June 2024

(The Online Seminar is available from June 3, 2024 for 21 days.)


Here is a brief overview of the scope


Connection with Source

How to connect with the Source and work with the subconscious via the thus achieved theta state. The "journey" also allows you heart-based activity in everyday life through strong grounding and clear upwards-connection.


Using Spiritual Senses

How to recognise, expand, and use your spiritual senses clairvoyance, clairsentience, Clair knowledge, and clairaudience in an ideal way.


The Basic Cleanse

How to transform countless blockages by means of the Basic Cleanse and continue to practise spiritual hygiene. Simple, fast, suitable for everyday use.


The Lifeline

How to clear your lifeline and transform deep-seated, stressful, and energy-sapping traumas. Stemming from your current life, from other incarnations of your soul and from your ancestral lineage. Extremely comprehensive and liberating!


Harmonising Relationships

How to harmonise relationships and allow forgiveness with love and gratitude. Allowing improved relationships, clearing interference fields, "playing" in everyday situations and of course letting go of unhealthy attachments.


Amplifying the Life Force

How to strengthen your life force by opening your energy channel and removing blockages. In this way, issues can be gently released, and you stand clearer and more full-bodied in your power.


Positive Programming

How to fully programme yourself in a positive way by reprogramming your beliefs and thus positively changing the resonance within you. Whole new programming on all topics of your life can be integrated within seconds and your reality is now allowed to change.


Integrating Feelings

How to deal with feelings in an optimal way, by transforming unwanted ones and integrating the desired. Also, how you disengage from unhelpful quantum fields and get into completely new, desired ones. Play it!


The Mirrors of Life

How to understand and ideally use the mirrors of life to clearly see what you create in your everyday life. This leads to the understanding and to the last and perhaps most important exercise of the seminar: Perfect Manifesting! :-)

Book now


Here you can get a small taste and feel for yourself whether the seminar is "calling" you now:

The THEKI 1 Online Seminar includes:

  • 43 individual videos for all lessons
  • 19 extra meditations as MP3's
  • Detailed explanations, exercises, and meditations
  • High-quality & comprehensive manual in printed for
  • Manual also available as PDF for download
  • Exclusive access to THEKI Telegram groups
  • Wednesdays live chat via Zoom with ?
  • Certificate personally signed by Sandra
  • Activation for all further seminars you can book from THEKI 1 onwards
  • Free app for mobile phone & tablet. After one download click, your content is available offline.


Free Time Management

You don't just need to practise THEKI® at certain times. With our innovative video system, you can practise your lessons at any time, allowing them to become an ideal part of your everyday life.

You are in the THEKI Quantum Field

You get access to the exclusive Telegram group to exchange with other THEKI seminar participants. This also allows you to establish long-term contacts with like-minded people as well as exchanging experiences.

Lessons building upon each other

The THEKI® Online Seminars are divided into lessons that logically build upon each other. When you have finished one lesson, you tick it off and continue with the next one. This way you have a full overview of what you have learned and can deepen or repeat the lessons at any time.

High Quality Course Materials

A very detailed, beautifully designed manual is provided digitally as a PDF for each seminar AND we send it to your home in high-quality printed form. This way, you can practice your lessons at home on the sofa or on the road at any time.


Become part of the THEKI community

Become part of a great community and benefit from their experience.

After registering, you will get access to the THEKI Earth Lights group on Telegram. All those who are currently – like yourself? – taking part in a THEKI seminar or have already taken part, exchange their experiences in this wonderful group. You arenever alone when you work through your lessons and can only benefit from the experience of all members.

You can treat each other, practise together, ask questions and get answers, experience support. Of course, Sandra is also there for you in this group!


The THEKI 1 - Basic Seminar is the beginning of a new life. YOUR life in a new version. If you want it. Self-determined. Conscious. Free. Healthy. Happy. You.

In our THEKI 1 seminar you will learn how to connect with the Source and thus put yourself and other people you want to work with into the theta state. With this, profound processes are possible that can finally allow real change.

In addition to basic psychological, spiritual, and scientific information and equipped with a variety of tools, you will learn how to free yourself from destructive ego layers and gradually uncover your true self.
In this way you transform limiting patterns and blockages, and your life can change on all levels.

Basically, all exercises and information serve to raise your vibration. You will train your energy system to become heart focused as well as stay heart centred in everyday life. You will be given tools that are so suitable for everyday life that you will be able to work at transformation at any given time.


"Today I want to thank you for another year in which I felt so wonderfully accompanied. I am so happy that you are in my life, with Theki and with your wealth of experience, which you share so lovingly and full of presence with me and many others. I wish you the Rauhnächte (twelve nights) and holidays that are beautiful and enchanting for you, and a magical transition into the new year, the new decade!!!"


"Thank you so much for the great online seminar! The brochure, website and videos are beautifully designed and produced, Sandra's voice and explanations are pure delight! What a wonderful way to learn and grow! Looking forward to so much more. Kind regards"


"The THEKI seminars have helped me to see my life clearly and to know that I have all events in my own hands and can direct them positively. As well as the path to my vocation, which I can now live with joy and happiness. My daily practice of THEKI is currently sending me just the right people. It is a gift to help people become more aware and for them to see their lives more clearly, too."

Bettina K.

Here you can register for the THEKI 1 online seminar

Price for Single Payment of the total amount
(You safe 9€)
Registration via Digistore24
* 2 Instalments, Second Instalment 262€
(inkl. 9€)
Registration via Digistore24
Start now with THEKI 1


From Saturday, 3rd June 2024 the seminar is open for 21 days

3rd June 2024

Available for 21 days

Be there :-)Start now


You already are complete!

Yes, I really see every human being as a perfect being, even if they cannot (yet) see themselves that way. Everything is in you! It's just that the access is blocked, as it were. The experiences of life can wrap themselves around you as traumas, distorted ideas, projections, blocking inner convictions etc. to such an extent that you are hardly aware of yourself anymore, aware of the way you are in your true core.

That's why THEKI® is exactly about first tracking down and then transforming everything that you are not. Your true self will then show itself more and more, completely by itself and you will become aware of yourself better and clearer, be able to follow the call of your soul and to simply BE YOU - in all your wonderful facets.

This life is abundance, and this abundance is available to each of us. When we get to understand once again that the Divine is at work in each of us, that each of us is the creator of our own reality and when we understand how we "function", then we can indeed create the life we really want. Everything is already there.


Book online

After your purchase, you will receive your access data and invoice by e-mail. If you've ordered, we will send you your seminar documents by post.

21 Days

From the start date, you have 21 days to work through the online seminar with joy and ease. At your own pace.

You are not alone

Exchange information with many other seminar participants via Telegram and meet Sandra live via Zoom.

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